Not many people have heard of M.A.T. but our practitioner, Sarah Kuindersma, works with compensation patterns that have led to stiffness, loss of range, or debilitating pain.  She delivers a cutting-edge treatment called Muscle Activation Techniques which helps to reset the neuromuscular imbalances that the body exhibits. Not only does Sarah work closely with referring practitioners such as chiros and physios, she also works directly with coaches, athletes and just regular people with pain. 

As you read Sarah’s very personal blog below, you will see she is one who lives her life via her practice.



Emerging Stronger: Navigating Through Depression and an Autoimmune Disorder

Have you ever found yourself in a rut, not feeling like yourself, stuck in a dark hole of discouragement? It’s a feeling we all experience at some point in our lives, and it’s completely normal. In fact, these moments of heaviness and discontent can be opportunities for self-reflection and discovering new passions. Sometimes, it’s during these challenging times that we find the strength to shine brighter than ever before.

In 2014, my life took an unexpected turn. A seemingly minor car accident left me with a shifted smile, which later lead to the discovery of severe jaw issues. Despite trying non-surgical solutions, the only option was double jaw surgery in 2020. Little did I know, this surgery would set off a chain reaction in my body, triggering my Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) is a condition where mast cells, a type of white blood cell involved in the body’s immune response, are overly sensitive and release too many chemical mediators, such as histamine, in response to triggers. This can lead to a wide range of symptoms, including allergic reactions, skin issues, gastrointestinal problems, and more. MCAS can be challenging to manage due to its varied symptoms and unknowing triggers.

My body swelled, my skin erupted in strange reactions, and I felt like I was under constant attack. Doctors had no solutions; I was constantly told there is nothing you can do. Dealing with this during the pandemic only amplified the isolation and despair I felt. I spiraled into a dark place, unsure of how to find my way out.

Determined to regain control, I turned to things I did have control over, such as stress, diet, rest & recovery. I began by experimenting with various autoimmune protocols, carefully noting my body’s responses. While cleaning up my diet likely played a role, it didn’t seem to make a significant difference initially. I continued to experience frequent flares and worsening depression.

It wasn’t until one day, scrolling through Instagram, I stumbled upon a reel advertising for XTERRA Greece, an off-road triathlon through stunning Greek scenery.  Something clicked inside me.

I dove into training, focusing on physical gains and mental resilience. Despite my ongoing symptoms, I found a new strength within me. I learned to ride the waves of my flare-ups, knowing they would pass. I approached my training with self-compassion, understanding that pushing too hard would only set me back.

Today, after 3 and a half years of managing my symptoms, I’ve qualified for the XTERRA World Championship twice. I’ve never felt fitter or more alive. This journey has taught me valuable lessons. It’s okay to retreat into a cocoon during tough times, as long as you emerge stronger. Find something that excites you and pursue it with passion. You’re not alone, and seeking alternative healthcare can make a world of difference.

I prioritize my health with Muscle Activation Techniques, Chiropractic care, Massages, Naturopathic guidance and Ki-hara stretching. I prioritize sleep and take full rest days when needed. My journey is ongoing, but I’ve learned that even in the darkest moments, there is light. You just have to keep pushing forward.

If you’re going through a tough time, know that it’s okay to seek help and explore alternative healthcare options. Your journey to healing may be long and challenging, but there is hope on the other side. Keep pushing, keep believing, and never underestimate the power of your own resilience.  If you’re ready to take steps towards bettering yourself, know that you don’t have to do it alone. Active Balance Health Centre is my go-to place for all kinds of alternative health care. Whether you’re looking for psychology, physiotherapy, natural path, MAT, or other services, they are here to help. Take the first step today towards a healthier, happier you, and remember, you don’t have to walk this journey alone.

Sarah Kuindersma – Muscle Activation Technique Specialists




For more information about Sarah or M.A.T. treatments at Active Balance Health Centre, please: CLICK HERE