This month’s blog comes from one of our RMTs, Nuala O’Brien-Kelly. We call Nuala the “senior” massage therapist, not because she’s the oldest of the therapists or because she massages seniors (although both are true) but because Nuala has been an RMT fora long time.  She knows her “stuff”.   If you have questions about pain – jaw to hip to thigh to knee – please feel free to reach out at her at

In the meantime, please enjoy Nuala’s contribution to our monthly practitioner blog series.


The Jaw-Hip Connection

Just like the old song goes the “hip bone is connected to the thigh bone, the thigh bone is connected to the knee bone”, there is a surprising connection between the jaw and the hips.  As a massage therapist, I’ve encountered many clients who initially seek relief for jaw or hip pain, unaware of the intriguing connection between these seemingly unrelated areas of the body. Let’s explore how dysfunction in the jaw can contribute to issues in the hips, and how massage therapy can help address these interconnected problems.

The human body is a complex system of interconnected parts. The network of fascia, tendons, and ligaments connections from one area of the body can have a huge effect on another. The relationship between the jaw and hips is a prime example of this interconnectedness and with all those connections there can be dysfunction. So, what type of things can cause these dysfunctions? Postural alignment, muscular imbalances, stress, and tension are just a few.  Stress is the most common issue when it comes to the jaw.  High levels of stress or tension can cause teeth clenching or grinding. This can lead to dysfunction in the TMJ joint (temporomandibular) causing headaches and migraines and even wearing down of tooth or enamel.  Postural alignment or muscular imbalances can be influenced by prolonged sitting, poor ergonomics, inadequate core strength or even repetitive movements all have an impact on our hips.

Massage therapy offers a holistic approach to addressing both jaw and hip pain by targeting muscular tension, improving circulation, and promoting relaxation. Techniques such as myofascial release, trigger point therapy, and craniosacral therapy can be particularly effective in addressing the interconnected issues between the jaw and hips. Even intra-oral massage can have great benefits for releasing tension in the jaw.

The connection between the jaw and hips may not be immediately obvious, but as a massage therapist, I’ve seen firsthand how dysfunction in one area can impact the other. By addressing tension and imbalances in both the jaw and hips through massage therapy and other holistic approaches, clients can experience significant relief and improved overall well-being.




For more information about Nuala or any one of our registered massage therapists at Active Balance Health Centre, please: CLICK HERE