This month, we welcome a blog post from Deanne Wiseman, Holistic Registered Dietitian.  She writes about feeling nourished, energized, and balanced through individualized nutrition counselling during pre and postpartum.  Although this is specific to mamas, Deanne is very experienced in all aspects of nutrition support. Even if this blog post doesn’t apply directly to you and you have questions about nutrition, please reach out!

The ‘RNR’ of Postpartum Care

If you or someone you know is pregnant, you likely recognize how we’re sponges in pregnancy – soaking up all the information we can to prepare. Looking back on my first pregnancy, we prepared so much for the birth of our baby, but what I didn’t focus on (and no one really talked about) was continuing to make MY health and recovery a priority even after baby. I actually felt completely unprepared for the physical and mental recovery that would follow in the coming months. No one prepared me for healing from major abdominal surgery after an emergency C-section, or the trauma of birth itself (despite how our babies enter this world). No one really explained the physical and mental changes that I would experience. Knowing what I know now, I recognize signs of postpartum depletion in the months after my first daughter’s birth.

If we look at other cultures around the world, many recognize the changes and effects on a mother’s health and manage postpartum care very differently. The general belief is if we mother the mother in that sacred postpartum time, we can avoid ill health in later years. A new mother is in a depleted state and her system is extremely vulnerable. Using the first month to prioritize recovery by creating a calm household and making sure demands on the mother are minimal, recovery time decreases, potentially preventing postpartum depression and other health concerns, while promoting milk production and a healthy immune system for both mama and baby.

Common themes of postpartum rituals can be organized into what I call the ‘RNR of postpartum care’ – the best investment we can make for preventing postpartum depletion and instead creating abundance!

Why should you care?

Because if mothers are doing well, babies, families, communities, and the planet will do well.


  • Did you know new moms lose an average of 700 hours of sleep in the first year?
  • Need 8 hours to feel rested? You still need to get that in a day! Take the nap!
  • Prepare – make a list of who can care for other kids or help with household tasks like laundry and dishes so you can rest.


  • Did you know 1/3 of the dry weight of our brains is made up of Omega 3 DHA fats? While making baby, our brain can shrink up to 5%!
  • We need warm, easy to digest, fat and mineral-rich, collagen-dense foods – think bone broths, soups/stews, grass-fed butter/ghee/coconut oil
  • Prepare – stock the freezer, fridge, pantry with foods that will help decrease inflammation, balance hormones, provide energy, and bring in rich milk. Who is going to make and bring meals? When? Connect with me for guidance


  • To yourself, baby (now earth-side), your partner, your community, and nature
  • Self-care is not selfish, it’s a necessity!
  • Writing down your birth story can provide personal growth, insight, resolution, and healing
  • Practical tips – practice self-massage, journaling, join a Mothers’ group in your area, ground yourself by connecting your bare feet to the Earth (weather permitting of course!)
  • Prepare – research who in your community provides services or info on belly binding, postpartum massage, pelvic floor physio, craniosacral therapy, and acupuncture

Remember – you’re not meant to do it all or do it alone!  At Active Balance Health Centre, we’re here to help you navigate motherhood together!


For more information about Deanne and nutrition support for ALL stages (or any OTHER nutritional concerns), please connect with her at Active Balance Health Centre. You can CLICK HERE or book your complimentary virtual Meet & Greet appointment by  CLICKING HERE  And PS…because Deanne is Registered Dietitian, please check with your insurance to see what you’re covered for benefits. We direct bill for most insurance plans.